| Mar 11, 2018

Aniwell are excited to donate a special award to a dedicated Show Hunter competitor at HORSE OF THE YEAR 2018
The award is a rug, donated by Aniwell, to a pony rider that displays an overall willingness to help, politeness to ground helpers, volunteers, administration and fellow competitors.
Included may be setting a good example with good manners, acts of kindness and good horsemanship. This will not be judged but will be decided by the Show Hunter Executive (upon feedback from Show organisers) at the completion of day two of the Show Hunter competitions at HOY.
The recipient of the Aniwell rug will be required to accept the rug at a mounted presentation by the Sponsor on Wednesday afternoon where photo’s will be taken.
See ESNZ Show Hunter for more details and we look forward to presenting this award on Wednesday 14th March!!